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My Best Gangplank Baron Steal! - LoL Moments #6
Bwipo Ranks the Best Gangplank Plays of All Time | Ultimate List
Best Of Moments #15 - Epic Gangplank Steal Baron & 1 vs 5 Pentakill - League of Legends
League of Legends - Gangplank Ultimate Baron Steal so Far......
Solarbacca popping off with some challenger level GP Baron steal and play!!
League of Legends Gangplank Baron Steal
League of Legends | Gangplank baron steal
AMAZING Gangplank Baron Steal!
Jatt Ranks the all-time CRAZIEST Steals | Ultimate List
Best Steal Baron Gangplank
LCK 2016 Summer Playoffs - ROX Tigers Vs.KT Rolster - Baron Steal
Gangplank "Balanced" - LoL Funny Moments #11